Preparing for an office visit during the pandemic


Your safety and wellbeing are my top priorities.  COVID-19 has changed the landscape of how we interact for the foreseeable future, but we are human after all, and yearn to get back to the things that bring us joy.  For me, that is seeing and helping my patients and providing treatments that help you feel your best.   Under guidance from the CDC, I would like to share with you how we are keeping you safe for your upcoming appointment.  Being a medical practice, many of these sanitation protocols were in place prior to the pandemic and have been expanded upon to align with social distancing guidelines.

Before your appointment

When possible, it is encouraged to follow up via our secure telemedicine platform. This streamlines the consultation, minimizing time spent face-to-face in person. 

In the Office

Prior to your in-person visit, we ask all patients to complete the screening questionnaire. We ask that you do not bring any visitors, as they have not been screened and it is difficult to practice social distancing with more visitors. 

With social-distancing in mind, appointments will be further spaced out to minimize patient overlap and allow for additional time to sanitize. We also ask that you wear your own mask to the appointment and sanitize your hands upon arrival. After this is complete, guests will be directed to the exam room.  If a procedure requires that your mask be removed, you will be asked to use the mouthwash provided.


The Office

The staff has and will continue to be tested on a regular basis.  Anyone who exhibits symptoms or tests positive will self-isolate for 14 days and/or symptoms have resolved.  In addition to the cleaning of all surfaces between patients, there is a designated cleaning team that will perform a deep cleaning at the end of each day.  



Given the increased risk to you and to the staff during surgical procedures, more stringent guidelines have been set in place to further protect you.  Two weeks prior to surgery, patients will be self-isolating to minimize the risk of acquiring COVID19.  Five days prior to surgery, patients will be asked to undergo COVID testing and and self-quarantine until the date of surgery.  Visitors will be limited to one and we ask that they go home during the surgery or wait in the car to minimize the number of people in the office.  The team will call your ride 30 minutes before your anticipated discharge. 

We are excited to see you.  If you have any questions about the protocols in place to keep you safe, please do not hesitate to ask.