Understanding Exosomes

What are Exosomes 

Exosomes are small packages of information that facilitate cell communication and contain essential materials for tissue repair and skin rejuvenation. They naturally occur in our bodies and play a role in healing and regeneration. These factors contain nutrient-rich proteins which promote skin rejuvenation and healing. Exosomes deliver up to 200 or more growth factors without the need to draw blood such as platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment.  Additionally, the quality of PRP may be variable and depends on the person’s age, while exosome treatments provide consistent results across all ages. 

Obtaining Exosomes

Exosomes are obtained through a careful process of culturing and collecting stem cells. As the stem cells grow and divide, they release exosomes into the surrounding culture medium. This process allows for the isolation and purification of exosomes, which are then harnessed for their regenerative properties.

What are the Benefits

  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines

  • Improvement of acne scars

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation

  • Evening out of skin tone and texture

  • Relief from redness and irritation

  • Improves dryness

Exosomes in Skincare Treatments

  • Micro-needling with exosomes: combines the collagen-stimulating effects of micro-needling with the regenerative potential of exosomes. This treatment promotes faster healing and rejuvenation, resulting in smoother, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin.

    Exosomes can be used with micro-needling by:

  • Post-Peel Treatment: Exosomes can be used to reduce inflammation and support the healing process after a chemical peel.

  • Hair restoration: Promotes hair growth

  • Injectable Collagen Boost: when injected under the skin, exosomes can enhance collagen production, providing a natural alternative to traditional fillers.

The Process

  1. Cleaning: Thoroughly cleanse the treatment area to remove dirt, oil, or makeup.

  2. Numbing: may be applied to the skin to minimize any potential discomfort during the procedure.

  3. Micro-needling / chemical peel (if applicable)

  4. Exosome Application or Injection: Immediately after procedure, the exosomes are gently massaged onto the skin


To maximize the benefits of exosome treatment and ensure optimal results, it is essential to follow a proper after-care routine:

Results can be seen immediately in terms of reduced inflammation, but you will continue to see results for 4 - 6 weeks after each treatment. Typically, 3-4 treatments are recommended to receive optimal results.

Book an appointment now. Say goodbye to wrinkles, fine lines, and hello to smoother, more rejuvenated skin.

Don't miss out - schedule your session today! 🌟

(310) 737-8592