Face Reconstruction

Case: Keloid Removal

35 year old female 1 month after recurrent keloid excision from the left ear.

Case: Excision

66 year old male 5 weeks after right excision of pigmented lesion and full thickness skin graft.

Case: cyst excision

18 year old female 1 month after excision of a sebaceous cyst on the right cheek.

Case: mohs nasal reconstruction

68 year old female 1 year after reconstruction of basal cell mohs defect. Patient underwent a staged naso-labial flap with auricular cartilage graft.

Case: Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

62 year old male 4 months after airway reconstruction with septoplasty including dorsal spreader grafts and osteotomies.

CasE: Lip Laceration Repair

55 year old female 2 weeks after lip laceration repair.

Case: Scar revision

42 year old female 1 month after scar revision of a dog bite laceration (previously repaired by another surgeon) and fat grafting.


Photos taken early post-op may not reflect the final appearance. Scars are expected to improve over time.